Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Answers to some of the common problems are listed below.
1. Getting a blank page on ionic serve?
Use ionic serve --port 8080 while working on the browser
2. Getting blank white screen after splash and taking more time to load?
Debug apk takes time to load on some Android devices. while this is normal for debugging apk. Build --prod to load app faster.
3. Adding product to cart automatically?
There are 2 service folder in src/providers/
While you build iOS use service folder and delete service_android folder
While you build android delete service folder and rename service_android to service. Don't forget to add url, keys and other settings in src/providers/service/config.ts
4. Login and Register is not working on the browser?
This feature may not work on the browser. Try on a real device
5. How to change icon and splash screen?
Replace your icon (1024x1024 px png) and splash (2732x2732 px png, Graphics in center of 1024 sq px) in src/resources folder. Use the following command to generate icon and splash screen
6. How to change the logo and other images?
Replace your logo and other images in www/assets/images/
7. How to change the theme, colors?
Just edit src/variables.scss file. There are few color variable, $header-color
, $button-color
8. How to build app for releasing on play or app store
If you have an issue still. Please feel free to contact me with issue details, URL and keys Or send me a mail with details of the issue and your purchase code, URL, API, keys admin panel access or WhatsApp on +918171838434
Last updated